Our Aluminium Decking is fully Fire Regulation Compliant
Our Aluminium Decking is Fully Fire Regulation CompliantRecent changes have been introduced in regulations regarding building cladding, which includes balconies, where our aluminium decking products are used.The requirements now is that all...
ExCel Aluminium Decking Walkway Refurbishment
ExCel Aluminium Decking Walkway Refurbishment Balustrade fabrication company - AJA Fabrications - selected ABL Architectural decking to refurbish the walkway of Warehouse K, on the periphery of the ExCel Arena in London. Surrounded by café’s,...
Use of Aluminium Decking in Listed Building Conversion, Fabrick Square, Birmingham
Leading midlands construction company Colmore Tang called upon ABL aluminium decking during the refurbishment and conversion of the old Harrison Drape factory into residential apartments in heart of Birmingham city centre. The reason for the selecting ABL’s Designer...
ABL Aluminium Decking Solves a Unique Development Dilemma!
Property developer Rod Palfrey (Blue and Co Ltd) was undertaking the construction of 2 adjoining properties at Heron Lodge in Worcester. The grounds contained the former hunting lodge which was nearing completion of its restorations, but the 2 new properties were...
Olympic Park & London Stadium Win With ABL Aluminium Decking
UK specialist fabricators – Darke Steel – have been working with ABL Architectural Aluminium to design, build and install aluminium steps for the gangways at West Ham United’s ground, The London Stadium (the former 2012 Olympic athletics venue). Aluminium steps were...
Aluminium Within Architecture – What Are the Benefits?
Have you ever considered what your walkway, bridge, deck, or steps are constructed from? The most common answer is, of course, aluminium and it will most likely be an aluminium extrusion section or profile. In fact, due to its versatility, aluminium is a staple...
New YouTube Channel and Video Gallery for ABL
ABL have created a set of ten new videos displaying various aspects of their production. The videos cover areas such as machining, fabrication, finishing and assembly of aluminium extrusions. Visit our YouTube Channel...